Tree Yoga
Join us in Finsbury Park for a delicious 90 minutes of reviving and restorative yoga under a fabulous oak tree joyous with bird song. Using the tree as a symbol of stability we will explore how to find our roots, to feel grounded & centred and like the gentle branches moving with the breeze, how to find softness and go with the flow. The practice which is open to everyone including beginners, will build to Tree Pose where we can explore the concept of Stira Sukha ‘steadiness & ease’, central to all yoga teachings where we find peace, focus, clarity, commitment without attachment.
The practice will also be on zoom so if you prefer to bring the trees into the comfort of your home you can do so - just go to the website and enter the code FIRSTCLASSFREE.
If joining us in Finsbury Park pls bring a mat and text 07714412852 for exact location.
Admission: FREE
Finsbury ParkGreen Lanes, Finsbury Park, London N4 1BY, UK