We're ready to talk about Chelsea Fringe 2023!

The Twelfth Chelsea Fringe Festival will take place from Saturday 20th to Sunday 28th May 2023

The Chelsea Fringe is a true fringe festival – based on the Edinburgh model – in that nothing is commissioned or curated.  We’re all about harnessing and spreading the excitement and energy that fizzes around gardens and gardening and giving people the freedom and opportunity to express themselves through the medium of plants and gardens, to open up possibilities and to allow full participation.

Entirely independent of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show (though acting with its support) the Fringe celebrates community and guerrilla gardening, and encourages links between gardens and art, literature, music, cookery, history, crafts, and ecology. everything from grassroots community garden projects to avant-garde art installations. We look for Chelsea Fringe events that create rich and idiosyncratic experiences that engage the imagination, rather than ‘put on a show’. Our open-access principle means that just about anything goes – as long as it’s on-topic, interesting and legal, and relates to gardens, growing or landscape.

We’re now planning the 2023 Fringe.

If you would like to get involved, send us an email at info@chelseafringe.com with as many details as possible about your plans for 2023.  We’ll reply, with questions and suggestions based on our experience to make your event zing!  Once your idea gets the Fringe thumbs-up, we’ll let you know how to register online.

Event organisers who registered in previous years may log in again using their existing username and password, but we encourage you to contact us by email before beginning your online submission form  

Click here to see what sort of events were staged last year as part of the Fringe


The Chelsea Fringe is a community interest company (CIC) and was founded by Festival Director Tim Richardson. All progress to date has been achieved by a team of dedicated volunteers donating their time and money.

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