'Magic Hour': Artist Talk by Vivienne Schadinsky
Vivienne Schadinsky's Magic Hour paintings raise questions about vanishing food plants. They underline the important role art has in visualising the impact climate change and loss of biodiversity have on our environment.
Join her talk to know more about her extensive ongoing research on endangered and extinct plants and fungi and how she interprets them within her art.
The talk and Q&A will last 60 minutes, and there will be time before and after to look at the exhibition.
Vivienne is a contemporary and environmental artist and art educator born and raised in Switzerland, living and working in London. Her evanescent Japanese ink and natural pigment paintings of flowers, trees and edible and non-edible plants that are endangered or disappearing due to climate change are held in private collections throughout the UK, Europe, and the US. Her work also reflects on the future of food security, due to the unprecedented times we are living in. She paints plants that will feed us in the future and foods that adapt to extreme weather. Clean air, fresh water, and the plant's life cycle are interpreted in a more metaphorical style. Vivienne is drawn to the intangible space between abstraction and representation, which is often reflected in nature itself.
Ticket information: £11.55
Book tickets (takes you to an external website): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/artist-talk-by-vivienne-schadinsky-tickets-602465429317?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1
OmVed Gardens1 Townsend Yard, London N6 5JF, UK