Covid19 Lockdown - 'A Reluctant Gardener'
My name is Iain Philpott. By trade I'm a filmmaker and photographer but under Covid19, social distancing and lockdown I decided to embark on a personal project which takes me out of my comfort zone, and gives a sense of purpose and achievement whilst communing with nature. I have created my very first vegetable patch, filming and photographing the journey - more as an image diary rather than a 'how to tutorial'. Occasionally known to mow the lawn I have never been a gardener but the lockdown brought home to me just how fortunate as a family we are to have a garden. I adore food, I love cooking, I film food, so the natural thought process was why am I not growing it? Another and no less important motivation for embarking on this were the stories my father told me from the Second World War and the campaign 'Dig for Victory'. I felt the reasons for the publics wartime efforts were as relevant today as they were back then. Please join me on my journey!
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